Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Social Bookmarking (NETS IV, V)

1) I looked at the online exhibit about Electing a President. I was interested in this because I am a history major, and it looks at past events, and also because I don't really have any experience about elections, so this meant that I could find out some more information myself.
As a history major I am always using primary sources, and I find them very valuable, because they provide us with a bit of the past and they allow us to have first-hand experience with events in the past and the way in which things occurred. Also if you give a group of students to see that they have something from when it actually happened they would be excited, especially if it was something important to them in their own research projects.

2) These are the 3 points which I feel like they fit my teaching style.

a) Network with other schools that are developing and implementing culturally competent systems. Adapt the processes and information that are consistent with your school's needs and interests.
This one I feel is important because if you use your local resources and work with local schools then together you can build a more inclusive community and you can help the local community build and can create harmony in the community and not a divide, especially if your school has more of the minority, as you can help each other explain to the students the differences and they will then be more open to this. I am all for using the resources which are already available to you, as it makes things easier.

b)Build and use a network of "natural helpers" at school and in the community as well as "experts" who have knowledge of the culturally, linguistically, racially, and ethnically diverse groups served by your school.
This is important so you can involve leading members of the community in the school and they can help you. also as you yourself cannot be an "expert" on everything then you can not help explain things as well. Also if they are experts then you would be able to gain more respect than people thinking that you don't have a clue what you are talking about.
c)Network with parent, family, minority community, and faith-based organizations concerned with the needs of diverse students. Solicit their involvement and input in the design and implementation of initiatives for culturally, linguistically, racially, and ethnically diverse groups.
If you talk to the parents and the community yourself then you are going to gain more respect and then you are going to be able to talk to them and help them in more ways than if you did not network and did not know them. Then if you also ask them for help they are more likly to help you as they know who you are and know that you really care about the things that you are doing and their culture and lifes themselves.

3) When I took the quiz I found out I am a cyber saint. I thought that I would be because I only ever use the internet for myself and for my own things. I personally would not think about using other people's information, but I think that it was always part of my upbringing that you would never use people's things without asking, so that has stuck with me all the time.
In the classoom I think that I would talk to the students and just tell them of the dangers that are out there on the internet and let them know that if they are having any problems that they can come and talk to me. But I would also tell them that if someone was caught being a cyber bully there would be cnsequences. I would make them all take the quiz online and then discuss with them what to do so they are not a cyber bully. Also I think nI would slpit them into groups and make them do a presentation to the class about the different groups of cyber bullies. (Seen on the website)

4) For the subject I chose the History and Social Studies. I liked the idea of doing a biography and I feel that I would do this with all my students at the start of the year. I also like the idea of a timeline, and I would have them incorporate this into their own biography.
For the Teacher Helpers, I looked at the Bulletin Boards as I feel that if you have information around the classroom and it is visible then the students who are a visual learner are also going to learn and benefit from this. It is another way for students to learn and it means that they too can learn and grow and it varies the decoration in the classroom. I would also get the students to help me create it with their own work, so they could see their work and feel proud that it was on view to the whole calss and also any visiors who may come to the classroom.

5) My top 3 intelligences are:
  • Musical (56%)
  • Interpersonal (63%)
  • Intrapersonal (63%)
I watched the video titled Multiple Intelligences Leave no Child behind, because I feel that all children should have the right to an education and that they should all be able to participate fully. From the video I found that as the school let the children learn the way that they best learn, they can help those children achieve better results than in a standard school because they can build on their strengths and they can enter into a workplace or a job which is tailored more to their strengths so they can be successful. Also by not testing the child all the time the children seem to be doing good and they are passing classes, and are enjoying themselves just without the pressure of having to get good grades and have the best grades in the class.

6) For this I chose Grades 9-12, and on the selection I chose Social Studies, because I felt that this was the closest to History which is my major. The lesson plan which I chose was called Women who Inform our World. I chose this as it explores the women who make a difference in the world, and not just the women who are always in the public eyes, it tell you to look at women in the local community,and it gives people the insight to the women who are making a difference. I feel that it is important that the students know the women who make a difference and also who fight for rights. I would use this as part of a whole education as I would incorporate this into looking at the history of women and how their position in society had changed and the way that they got to be how they are today.

7) When I took this quiz I was surprised by most of the answers that I feel like I cannot chose just two of them to comment on. I only got two answers out if the 15 questions right. I feel that as I have not really paid attention to the things going on around America and as I do not live here that I would not know that answers to some of the basic questions, but also I was shocked at some of the answers because I guess I am in denial about how unequal the world is and how the world is in a big decline. I feel that I would use this in the classroom and use it to teach the students more information about the world and the US as a country and how the things which happen in the US effect the things that happen around the world.

8) I scored 90% on the test.
I feel that it is a very important thing to teach people about the etiquette on the internet so they can be safe and use the internet to the best of their ability. It will also mean that they won't make people :( or }:[ in the things that they do or the things that they say. By teaching the students it will also make sure that if they get into trouble they will not be =o and they can make things right again by watching what they say and hopefully it would stop anyone bring %-(. It will also make their online experience a lot better and will make them :) and 8-O at the different ways in which people treat them.

Classroom Newletter - (NETS I, III)

This classroom Newsletter was made using Microsoft Word. I used a variety of different fonts and I also used clip-art and inserted other pictures. It allowed me to share some of my personality and also to let the students into what will be going on in the classroom. It could be used to keep students and parents updated with things throughout the school year, and it takes very little time, once you have a templete which you have already used before.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Intro Letter of Louise

Hi! I'm Louise Fell and I am originally from England. I am currently here on exchange, from UCLAN (University of Central Lancashire) in the North West of England. I live in a seaside resort called Blackpool and it is a popular vacation spot for people in the UK. I completed all my schooling in the UK. Our education system is slightly different to the American one! I went to St Teresa's Catholic Primary School when I was aged 4-11 in Cleveleys, England. I then went to Our Lady's Catholic High School when I was aged 11-16 in Preston, England. When I finished High School I had gained my General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE's). The next thing I had to do was to get my A-Level's (Advanced Level) at St Mary's Catholic College which I achieved in 2007 and then I began my University Career at UCLAN. I hope to graduate in July 2010 with a BA(Hons) in History, and then enter into a post-graduate teaching credential course, or embark on a masters course.

As for technology, I think that I am definitely part of technology generation, however my little sister who is 5 can already do half the things I can on the computer, so I guess I'm not as good as I think! :) I am definitely a PC person at the moment, but I do like using the Mac and I am definitely being tempted at the moment to buy a Mac, however, they are a lot more expensive to own in the UK, so there is a downside to me owning one. However if (or rather when) I move back to the US I will probably move to having a Mac instead. I am currently using Windows Vista on my laptop and I have the latest version of Microsoft Office, which I like a lot better than the older versions of Office. It is a lot easier to use and you can do a lot more! I like to learn how to do all different things on the computer and I think that I am a pretty fast learner when it comes to computers, since I was the last year at my high school who did not have compulsory Computer classes. I feel that now it is incorporated into the Curriculum in the UK, it is an essential tool that is needed in the outside world, as otherwise it would not be compulsory.

As an exchange student I did not read the Mission Statement so that did not influence my decision to come to CSUSM, it was purely because of the sea and sunshine why I came to California, however once I read the mission statement I feel that it would have played a big part on me choosing to come and study at Cal State San Marcos. I agree with the focus on the students learning and the process of including the student into the learning and centring the learning around the student rather than around the state. From the people who I know in the College of Education, and from what I can see from the mission statement, I would definitely consider CSUSM as one of the places where I would come and do my teaching credential when I return to the US.