Monday, November 30, 2009

Journal 10 - Five Steps to an Accessible Classroom Website.

Amundson, L. (2009). Five steps to an acessible classroom website. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(3), Retrieved from

When I began to read the article I became shocked about the different ways in which people can use the computer and the different ways in which they can do things that everyone else can do. I felt slightly ashamed that I had not thought about this before, but more enlightened and intrigued by what they rest d the article had in it.

The first step which was taken was a simple one which would also help the other people in the class and not just those with disabilities. By using simple headings as suggested it will make it simpler for everyone to use and easier for everyone to gain better access to it. The way that they suggest to use the access key's instead of a roll down menu is also something which would enable other students to have access to information in a quicker way and again it would make it more accessible to other students.

The next step that they advise you to take is to make sure that you provide text to all the images and visual things on the web-page. This would not only help the people who have disabilities, but also the ones who learn in different ways such as those who are not visual learners. The final steps are ones to ensure that the different links are easily titled and that people would be able to make sure that this is the one that they want to go to, also the final step is to make sure that the web page is able to be used by any one with a disability. You can do this in anyway that you want, whether you test it or you get someone else to test it for you.

Could this also benefit parents and not just students?
YES! Not only would it make it easier for students to go through and locate things, but parents would also be able to use the website more easily and they would be able to take part the same as any other parent regardless of their disability and they would also feel as though they are being included in the child's life. They could also help the student with their work as well, so they could feel involved in their child's education.

Would all students benefit from these changes?
As I have stated above, I feel that all students would benefit from the changes which would be made to the websites as they would be able to use their different strengths to use the resources available to them. It could benefit all the students, especially if they don't have a specific disability and they just have problems using certain types of information and also if they have trouble with the interpretation of the information as well. Anything which makes things easier for the students to use means that they can gain more from it as they are not getting caught up in the different things which can distract the student from the information which they need to get to. Sometimes simpler is better for all people, not just those with disabilities.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Journal 9 - Students Without Boarders.

Bickley, M., & Carleton, J. (2009). Students without boarders. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(3), Retrieved from

I chose this article because as an International Student myself I feel the need to educate children about issues around the world and to connect them with people from around the world is very important.

The article begins by explaining the difficulties that teachers face especially as you move up the grades, to get students to learn things that they feel like they will never use again. It is something which all teachers face and it is therefore their responsibility to make what the students are learning a positive and worth while thing which is of an advantage to the student as well as making an impact on them so they remember the point which is trying to be given.

The article then goes on to give examples of how the schools have participated in different projects and how they have connected with different schools. One surprising things that I found was the way that the students feel more inclined to do their work as they are doing the work for others to see and they are also doing things for other people. Many students don't want to let people down, especially their peers and so they will complete their work and they will also do better work if it is going to be seen by many other people.

The fact that the students can learn from each other and they can show pride about their own country to other students in different countries is also inspiring, along with the way that they can interact with these students through on-line classes and discussion rooms. Once that connection had been made it can be used in many other instances and it doesn't just have to used at that time, it can continue on afterwards.

Can this connection which is made in the classroom be taken away from the classroom?
I feel that as the students will make a connection with the other students, there is no reason why it cannot lead to them maintaining that connection once the projects are complete. They will make a connection which can be continued throughout their school life. There could be the opportunity for them to write to each other and build a stronger connection. It would be an opportunity for them to learn more about the other persons life and culture on a personal level and that way of learning is an invaluable experience.

How could this help those students who struggle with their work?

By doing this it would give students the opportunity to take pride in their work and if it was just a reason that they did not want to do the work because no one was going to see the work only a teacher, then they would take more pride in the work. It would also give the child something to look forward to and also something which they will get something back in return and not just a grade. Some students who struggle with their work just need another reason to do well and a reason for them to do well may be as simple as making them do it for another student.

From reading this article I think that it would be cool if a class could link up with a class in another country in Kindergarten and then follow that class all the way through school. They could see how each other grow and really make a connection, and learn a lot about other cultures from each other. Just a thought that popped into my head as I was typing!! :)

Journal 8 - Have You Tweeted Today?

Fingal, D. (2009). Have You tweeted today?. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(2), Retrieved from

This article begins by explaining that many people do not get the whole twitter thing and how many people do not want to tweet because they do not understand the benefits which can come from the experience. The article then goes on to give examples of how other educators are trying to persuade their colleagues to tweet as well and the advantage which can come from tweeting. The advantages which they suggest include the spreading of ideas and the increased assistance from other people in the same position and the majority of the responses can be automatic and instant so they can help you with a problem when and as it arises.

I then look at the article called "A Cocktail Party with Educators."
Webblogged, "A Cocktail Party Filled with Educators":

I found this article very interesting as it describes the way that people interact with people one on one at a cocktail party to the way that people can interact with people in virtual places. I feel that the comparison is very true, because you do get to learn a lot from mixing with people at parties, and you can learn valuable lessons from them as well. The difference with the virtual reality as the article points out is that you can also ask questions where you wouldn't normally and you can get valuable advice which can help you develop yourself and also through that the school and the students.

The article also talks about the issue about these technologies creating more work for teachers and meaning that they have more work to do. As the article says it does mean that the day gets longer but at the same time, you are investing into the future, which is what teaching is about, and also I feel that if you use the resources available to you wisely, in the long run it will make teaching a lot easier and also make things more smooth.

How could social networking, like twitter, help students?

I feel that if a student was to have access to twitter and they could tweet other students, then they could help each other with work. As we have been doing throughout this class, if we have a problem, someone is likely to see the problem and respond. Also the teacher can follow and make sure that the student is being helped and if not they the teacher can then respond.

How could Social Networking help parents feel connected with the school and also the students learning?

I know from my own Mum that she has a hard time finding out what my brother did at school that day, so throughout the day the class teacher can update twitter and parents can find out what the class are doing and when. This would make the parents feel more involved and if they had any questions about it then they could ask the teacher at the end of the school day and not just the parent/teacher conferences. Also I feel if there was a class blog which the parents could read and see examples of the students work then this would ease parents minds a lot. Students could upload their own work to their own blog and their parents can see what they are doing. This can be incorporated into class time as well and not take away from anything else.

Information can be spread quickly between parents and also it would just make the parents feel more involved in their child's education. It would be a valuable thing to do to build that connection, and if the parents don't want to be involved they don't have to be, but there should always be that option, especially now when we seem to be becoming a society based on choices available to us. If we don't have more than one choice then people aren't happy! :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Journal 7 - Classroom 2.0 - Interactive Boards

I chose this technology because I feel that it is rather new being used in classrooms in America (from my previous knowledge) however it is more common in the UK with a lot of the schools in my local area having them in every classroom.

The interactive white board is a board which can be wrote on like any other whiteboard however this one can be used to manipulate things on the screen and you can use it to show the students different things and have them interact with different tools on the actual whiteboard. There are other tools however that can also be used, such as a wireless drawing pad which can pretty much do the same thing. They all come with different software to use, which is pretty much the only difference between them all.

The drawing pad can be moved around the classroom and passed onto the students which can be of an advantage, however the interactive white board has to be at the front of the class, but students can go to the front of the class and they can also take part in the class that way. Therefore meaning that both of them can be used to get the students more involved in the class.

To me any type of technology which allows the students to take part in the lesson and allows then to interact with the teaching and fantastic and all the advantages which are discussed about one system is joined with the same number of disadvantages, I think it just depends which people want and what they want to use.

I feel that no matter what, just having some way in which the students can interact with the teacher and they can take part in the classroom is an advantage, and I would be happy to use any of the systems in my classroom. It is up to the school to decide which one to use and then the teachers would just have to adapt to that one. One is not better than the other and they all aim for the same thing which is to get the students interacting more with each other and the teacher and to get the teacher away from the front of the class and spending more time with the students.

For more discussion on this issue you can look at the forums I visited which can be located at:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Journal 6 - Trouble with Rubrics

Kohn, A. (2006). Trouble with rubrics. English Journal , 95(4), Retrieved from

In this article Alfie Kohn talks about the trouble that there are with rubrics. He begins by discussing the way in which they could be seen as useful when it comes to showing students where they went wrong and being able to improve their grades, and it gives them something definitive which they can improve, and it also helps in parent-teacher conferences when the parent asks why their child only got a certain grade, you can then show them exactly where their child went wrong and needs to improve. However it points out that it does not help the students who are driven on getting A's and the parents who drive their children to do so.

The article then goes on to discuss how the rubrics have turned teachers into grading machines, and they are not particularly looking at how the students are doing and they are just following the rubric to make sure that they have the essential parts of the assignment there and not the other parts which make students stand out. The rubrics however do help the student to understand what is required of them, and they can become dependent on them if they need to follow a structure, just to get a high grade in the class.

The article concludes that the rubrics, just make teachers leave the reason they went into teaching behind them, and the focus of the pupils learning is shifted away from what they are suppose to be learning and gaining in their education. The article does not say that the rubrics are a bad idea, it rather challenges the reasons behind having them and the usefulness of them in the classroom to "help" the students, whereas in some cases they are actually hindering the students.

Can the rubrics be used in a positive manner to help students?

They can be, however, there must also be a way in which the students are learning more than what they have to put in the work. The rubrics would work if the students were going to just follow them to get an idea of what they should do, kind of like a check list of what should be in there, however the grade that they receive should not be dependent on the rubric and the students would need to know this so they can aim to get a higher grade, with the assistance of the rubric, without the rubric holding them back.

Should students be able to create their own rubrics?

If a student was able to make their own rubric once they have been given an assignment and then the teacher checks it and makes sure that they have an idea of what is needed from them, it would allow teachers to find out what part of the work is most important to the teacher, and it would also allow the students to form their own ideas of what is required rather than providing them with the information. If the student however gets the wrong idea then the teacher can intervene then instead of when the final draft if due and they can assist the student where they need assistance allowing teachers a more one on one relationship, whilst at the same time making sure that the work is being done correctly and to the best of the ability of the student.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Excel Crossword Assignment (NETS III)

This was made in Excel, using instructional video's from Atomic Learning (see links. You can make one with any subject, and they can be used on the computer and you can also print them. Students would be able to make their own as well using the instructional videos and they would be able to share it with peers. They could be produced in groups or by individuals.

City Word Search

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Journal 5 - Creating Tech Wizards

I chose this article because I feel that by going through this class we are going to be able to help become part of the group who creates Tech Wizards!

The article discusses how an area set up a group for students to represent their school in technology and to show how god the students were at using technology. As the students of today are more dependent on technology and also more technologically advanced when they enter school, it makes sense for teachers to offer something for students to show how talented they are with computers.

The other aspects that came out of the original program, at the different schools, also show that the students can become important to the school and also more involved in the school. It offers those students who are not the usual students who do well in the school and who are often looked over.

Finally the way in which the students at one school offered the teachers lessons and appointments to learn how to use the technology and other programs, highlights the importance for teachers of technology in the classroom.

Should ALL teachers (qualified and unqualified) have to take a technology class?

I feel that it would be beneficial to all student teachers (like us) to take a technology class as we are, however I also feel that all teachers who are currently teaching should be made to take a class on how to use technology. I know when I was in school a lot of my teachers did not know how to use the computer and the students had to show the teachers what to do, the teachers should be the ones teaching the students, not the other way round.

How would technology classes for students before and after school benefit students?

Not only would they enable students to learn more and to become more technologically proficient it could also enable students who do not have access to a computer, the chance to use the computer to do homework and also to not feel inadequate as they too would have the opportunity to participate in classes fully and also by providing students with the ability to improve their skills to enter into the workforce once they leave school.

Journal 4 - Flow Charts as Technical Support

Caudill, J. (2006-2007). Flow charts as technical support. Learning and Leading with Technology, 34(4), Retrieved from

I chose this article following the Inspiration project which we completed.

This article is talking about the way in which a flowchart can help all people, not just students but also teachers. It discusses how it can be used in many ways and how it can be made differently as you can include pictures in it and it may help those students who do not understand things if they just read them. It also talks about the way in which you can use the flow charts for all different things and it's use is not limited to just one thing.

The article then goes on to talk about how it is effecetive for students as they can sit down and work through problems with other students who do not understand it and then they too can learn how to do something in a simple way which means that they will benefit from each other and they can use peer learning and assessment. It can also be a test for a teacher to see if the students have learned how to do something well, because if they can teach another person to do it then they understand it fully.

How can the flowcharts be incorporated into the classroom?

You can get the students to sit down and make a flow chart in a group on something which they had done or learnt how to do, and then they can use that to teach the rest of the class. With it being visual as well, more students who have different learning styles will also be able to benefit from it because they will be able to look at it and see what to do and then follow the instructions.

How could this benefit the learning in the classroom?

Not only would the students be able to learn how to use more technology on the computer and also increase their abilities to use existing skills like word processing and also searching for relevant pictures, they would build new skills. Also as I have already stated if students learnt in different ways it can also benefit them, as well as helping those students who may also have other difficulties including Special Education Needs. This is because it would take the students through a step by step process and they can check something off once they have completed it and they can see their success build step by step. It will also make sure that the students are learning and is another way of assessing the progress being made in the class by the student, rather than say a test.

Journal 3 - Walk, Fly or Teleport to Learning.

Brown Yoder, M. (2009). Walk, fly or teleport to learning. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(2), Retrieved from

This article is about virtual worlds in the classroom and how the amount of students who are participating in these virtual worlds at home are going to be increasing and how this may impact things in the classroom.

The article then goes on to discuss the different ways in which teachers can get involved with MUVE's (Multi-user virtual environments), and the ways in which they can be used to reach out to the students and also as a education platform with teachers being able to create different levels (or worlds) for indivdual classes and therefore being able to interact with the students and educate them at the same time.

In the article it also discusses the way in which the students can also interact with other people and they can become reconnected with reality through being in a virtual world. You can use it to your advantage to look at things which are effecting the world in real life and they can then learn about things that they may not otherwise pay attention to in real life. They go into a reality world to leave from the real world, to being learning about the real world again.

Finally the article closes with ways that teachers can bring this into their own classroom and the way that it would benefit the students and make it possible for them to become more connected with students who are becoming more dependent on technology and also provide them with another platform to educate the students.

What would parents think if this was a child's homework?

I know many parents would not be happy if they were supervising their children and their homework consisted of the child playing a "computer game" for their homework. Therefore I feel that if a teacher was going to do this with their students then they would have to send out some correspondence to the parents and justify their reasoning for having the students do this work, and they would have to make sure that they are learning something though this homework and it was a advantage to their education and they were benefiting from it.

How would the teachers make sure that the students were benefiting from this?

I feel that the teacher would have to make sure that the student was learning and would have to make a quiz or an assignment to make sure that the student was doing what they were suppose to be doing and also learning what they are suppose to at the same time. The students may complete the assignment, but they may not necessarily learn from it and if it going to be beneficial to the student then they have to be checked up on and make sure that they are learning as well as having fun!

Journal 2 - Grounded Tech Integration.

Harris, J., & Hofer, M. (2009). Grounded tech integration. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(2), Retrieved from

This article talks about the way in which technology had been integrated into the curriculum in schools, and how it has redrawn the lines of education.

The article begins by discussing how the teachers can integrate technology into the classrooms and it points out that there are limitations to technology being used in the classroom. These limitations include the teachers ability to use technology and also the resources available and the commitment to using these resources.

The article continues by discussing the way in which it is important for teachers to incorporate technology into the lessons instead of building the lessons and learning goals around the technology. That way the technology is grounded and incorporated into the teaching of the child and is not the reason why the child is learning. By doing this the lesson become less "technocentric" and more beneficial to the students who would not nesscarialry meet the curriculum requirements of the class if the class was structured around the technology.

If the school does not have enough technological resources for each child is the teacher going to be able to fulfill the suggested way of planning?

In places where technology is not available to all teachers at all times, surely the teacher is going to have to plan the lesson around the technology and not around the learning because they are going to have to make sure that the technology available to them at the time is used in the right way. If this is the case then the lessons cannot always be planned and then the technology incorporated, which is the best way to learn as suggested by the article.

Will this work with all areas of the curriculum and subject areas?

I feel that this way of planning lessons in some subjects would not work as well as it could do. I feel that it would be hard to plan a lesson and then incorporate technology into it in areas such as languages or history. I feel like if you plan a lesson and you are going to use a computer or technology into the class, then you should be able to plan what you want the students to do with technology and then link it into the classroom and a part of the curriculum. I personally feel that it doesn't matter which one comes first as long as it is an advantage to the students education and not something which will hurt the child's education.